Gong Bath:3 Hour Sound Immersion

Where: Godermerham and Crundale Village Hall, Canterbury Rd, Godmerham. CT4 7DR
When:  Sunday 24th November: 5-8 pm
Cost : £45

I am thrilled to be collaborating with Martin Holme and Sonia Gonzalez for a three-hour long Gong Bath immersion with three gong pracitioners on Sunday 24th November at Godmersham and Crundale Village Hall between 5-8pm.

Sequence of Events

5 pm - Cacao ceremony
5.20-7.45 pm - Gong Bath
7.45-8 pm -Stillness

Sonia will start with a cacao ceremony to get everyone into a grounded embodied and heart-centred space before being bathed in an array of sounds from a wide variety and size of gongs from three gong practitioners.  

Finishing with a period of complete silence to allow the body and mind to ground and integrate the experience.

A longer session of three hours is a great opportunity to restore and reset your nervous system at a deep cellular level as the gongs bathe you in healing sounds and tones.

Complimented with other instruments and sounds from singing bowls and an assortment of percussive instruments it is going to be a deep medicine journey and a sonic massage opportunity to help let go, balance and align all your energy bodies.

We are very excited and honoured to be sharing this space with you.


Morning Sound Bath, Folkestone