A warm welcome
Hi I'm Giles, a sound practitioner, artist and somatic coach
Sound, Art and Somatic work complement perfectly, as they create more space and stilness internally.
This is crucial to help facilitate any blocked and stuck emotions, trauma or conditioned thinking and inherited patterns of behaviour to start gradually and gently dissolving.
This leads to a groundswell of being, where creative and life force energy can flow unimpeded and be expressed more easily.
I love to come down to the sea with my drum and connect and commune with nature.
It’s ever-changing, and a constant reminder of the impermanence of all things. Nothing stays the same. The sound and ferocity of the waves, the wind, the birds fluttering on the breeze, sun, rain, clouds. It’s the same for our moods, thoughts, feelings and emotions too.
Being in nature is one of the quickest and most surefire ways to help ground and get into a state of presence. Combine this with sound - be it voice, drum or other instruments and anchored in intention, grounded and centred in your body and you create a magical healing space and opportunity that resounds far and wide.