My art
I tap into what wants to arise and be drawn through me in the present moment, being in the flow, surrendering to the initial stroke of the line drawing and then weaving a tapestry of colours that want to come through and intuitively sensing the spaces that want to be left. It's a delicate balance.
I am always fascinated by what comes through on the page, sometimes unexpected delights, sometimes a lot of dissonant colours. Other times spacious, empty, still, flowing or full.
I love how each one is so open-ended in terms of interpretation by each individual looking at them and like to use #whatdoyousee? to encourage the question. Sequences and patterns of abstract images emerge at times that create a unique series in and of themselves. One consecutive set of drawings I produced over a week had a strong and distinctive Australian Dreamtime essence tied to the rainbow serpent energy of the outback. I often see birds, insects, animals, faces, galaxies, radiant charged sexual symbolism, obscure matchings (like a bird and whale dancing!), rats, butterflies, dragonflies. The whole gamut of expressions and possibilities emerging out of the creative void. I like playing with the images and seeing what title arises in the moment too. Sometimes no inspiring titles come through and that is also fine.
My work with sound and light language really deepens and complements this process. The more I work with sound the more spacious internally I become. The more spacious internally I become the more energy, creativity and insights want to flow through in myriad ways of complexity and playfulness. Just allowing what wants to be expressed to flow unedited. Sometimes I bring a thought, word, feeling, emotion or a name of someone into my heart space before I start. Then I take some deep breathes before toning on out-breath breathing life into the new creation. I also do commissions for personal Now Signature Drawings using the same process and technique and holding the energetic blueprint of the person, tuning into my heart space. If this is something you would like to consider, please do reach out.