Butterfly medicine

“Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will evade you, but if you notice the other things around you, it will gently come and sit on your shoulder.” — Henry David Thoreau

Over the last few years, I have been really drawn to butterfly energy and medicine and I weave this into my sound healings too. I make origami butterflies for everyone who attends a sound bath, infusing them all with my love and prayers and offering everyone the opportunity to also add their own prayers and intentions for the sound bath session into their butterflies and to take them home as a visual aide-memoire of their experience and intentions. There is something so otherworldly about them their flitterings on the breeze, beautiful colours and symmetry, the delicacy of their being. The symbolism of metamorphosis so powerful, so profound too, can also be exemplified in the space of a sound bath. I encourage everyone to build their own cocoons as they hibernate away during a sound bath allowing the sacred tones that flitter on the breeze to percolate and whisper their own unique medicine for each recipient, to permeate all aspects of their being and wash through their whole system. After the session, there is a subtle sense and feeling that something has been shed, released back to the great void of purification. A greater lightness of being will arise. Not necessarily straight away but most likely a gradual rebirthing of new more vibrant, colourful, and splendid energies will emerge after a number of days and weeks. As if you have grown energetic wings. It's a very gentle, soft and subtle process. Blink and you may miss it. Just like the red admiral who came to visit me in early January this year. This poem emerged after a surprising encounter whilst sitting on the beach in Folkestone on a beautiful very crisp winter’s day, whilst singing tones of praise and gratitude as the wind blew around me and the sun cascading its rays across the sky.

Butterfly Medicine.

One day in early January
whilst watching the waves weave in,
a red admiral touched my heart
to annihilate the din

This resplendent radiant being
great butterfly of bliss
washed away my cobwebs
from lifetimes of remiss

The darkest corridors' debris
dampened the dawn choruses tones.
My aching limbs and staunch demeanour
betrays the heavy bones.

Soaking up the suns rays
basking in the glory,
delicate little butterfly
what is your mysterious story?

From whence have you come
on your winter’s tale?
How can you be here? Now.
dancing on the frozen gale?

Oh light being of consciousness
joyful to surmise,
tangoing with the glistening tides,
an angel in disguise

As we sang our song of love
time stood soft and still.
I hummed a grateful healing tone
above the ocean shrill
and bid farewell until…


Exploring the energy of impatience


After the storm